Sunday, September 30, 2012

Time flys when your having fun!!

I can not believe how long it has been since I last posted. Between work, kids stuff, and the businesses it is becoming more and more difficult to find time to do things that I want to do like blogging. I have got to find time to add it to my schedule. I really do enjoy going back and reading about the little things that I posted that I have forgotten about.

Lets see, Jake will be 18 in a couple of months. I can’t believe it, he has grown up so fast. He had the opportunity to graduate a year early but choose not to so that he could play football for one more year. Ten days after school got out while at football camp he got a concussion. A concussion that put him out of football until August. Four days from being released to play again by the neurologist he comes down with an illness that will keep him from football for six weeks. This is one of those moments in life where you wonder if you really made the right decision or not. He seems to be taking it in stride but I can tell he is a little disappointed that he doesn’t get to play and he could be in college already. He is working for Dane and still for Claim Jumper and finishing his last semester of high school.

Jared decided that he needed to switch how he goes to school so he is doing independent study this year and attending a couple classes at the high school. I think he really enjoys being at the high school. But I could tell right away he is overwhelmed with the amount of work that was given to him. We will see how this goes and if he does better answering to his teacher at independent study. He wanted to play football this year but felt that he was already behind with the workouts and the team camaraderie and decided not too.

Jordan is attending the middle school part time and is home-schooled the rest of the time. He seems to be happier with this set up rather then attending school full time. He is doing better in the classes he has at the middle school and we are finding his weaknesses very quickly since we started home-schooling. Hopefully we can get him back up to speed and ready for high school. He loves scouting and was inducted into the Wolfeboro Pioneers this year at camp.

Jessica is a little princess. There are times we could use other words to describe her but they are not appropriate for the blog. She just started 1st grade and is loving every minute of it. She is starting to read and loves her teacher and all the kids in the class. She loves doing homework and insist on it every night when I come home from work. Even if I just want to sit and relax I must help her with her homework first. We have been making trips to the library and I think she would take the whole library home if she could. She loves books.

Time flys when your having fun :)