Thursday, June 17, 2010

Toy Story 3 in 3D

Toy Story 1 was my favorite, Toy Story 2 was good, but Toy Story 3 was just okay.

We saw the movie in 3D and there really is not a reason to see it in 3D unless you realy like that sort of thing. There was nothing in the movie that jumped out at you or made your want to reach out to touch it. Also, I took my 4 year old and the glasses are not really designed for kids that age. They kept falling off or down on her face so halfway through the movie she just watched it without them. Don't pay extra for 3D.

The story line was a good one but I thought it was a little dark for a kids movie. Toys were attacking each other and holding them hostage. There were parts that made my 4 year old cringe. These were also the same parts of the show that made me hold her a little bit tighter so she did not feel scared and knew I was right there. However, if you have every lost a toy as a child this movie will make you cry. If you have a child that is getting close to leaving for college this movie will make you cry. Of course, I did. So be warned, bring a little bit of tissue.

Some of the jokes in the movie were oriented more towards the adult crowd which I love when Disney does that. They know parents have to sit through the movie too so they try hard to include something for us. I did laugh a few times.

Some of the characters from previous Toy Story's did not return to this one. All of the main characters are back. The characters that returned for Toy Story 3 were: Woody, Buzz, Jesse, Bullseye, Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog, Mr & Mrs Potato Head, Squeeze Toy Aliens, and Barbie. Sarge and 2 of the little green men have a very small part. But toys like RC, Etch, Bo Peep and Mr Spell are not in this movie.

So go see it if you have to with the kids. But I suggest just buying it when it comes out on DVD or Blu-Ray.

However, a plus was the preview of the new Disney movie coming out. I was paying attention to Jessica and did not see the date, but The Sorcerer's Apprentice looks really good. Nicholas Cage is in it so that is a plus already.