First things first. My husband is blind, well nearly blind. Jared came home with a quarter the other day that was unusual and asked the hubby to read what was on the back. Guess what he can't see it. So he calls Eye Exam 2000 and they have an open appointment that afternoon. After what seemed life forever he was done with the optometrist and the diagnoses is he is blind and needs glasses. I could have told him that:) So a few more hours later and a HUGE chunk of change later his glasses are ordered. (They had to ship them out to process.) Seven days later...he picked them up yesterday. Guess what he can see again! And in my opinion he is looking good in those glasses!
So lacrosse is over and we had one end of the year party already. As I was sitting around the table with a couple of the parents, the conversation turned to Scouting. In the process Jake was invited to go to Philmont this year with a Pleasant Hill troop that one of his teammates is in and most of the boys go to his school. Jake went to their troop meeting on Monday night, and of course loves it. So he is headed to Philmont this year. They are doing a 57 mile trek and he can't be more thrilled. He was also invited to go to summer camp with them but when I got the cost of football all fiqured out for the year and the $1000 for Philmont. He had to choose. So Philmont it is. Most scouts don't get the opportunity to go to Philmont, and if you should happen to get the chance..DO NOT pass it up. I was invited to go as well, but I of course had to pass for this year. However, I already kn
ow there will be another opportunity for me to go and you can bet I won't pass up the next time.

So lacrosse is over but football has already started. Spring ball, summer ball, St Marys Football camp, and double days times 2 (Jake and Jared) add up for a lot of running around. I thought once lacrosse was over I would get a little bit of a rest, I was wrong of course.
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