So the hubby and I went out last week and left the 15 year old in charge. He is and always has been a good babysitter, but lately he is more inclined to lay on his bed in his room watching TV rather then watching the kids. (The life of a teenager.) But this time, he didn't notice that it got rather quiet and he no longer heard Jessica roaming the house playing. She instead had found a pair of scissors and decided to give herself a haircut. This is not the first time she has done this. The last time it wasn't too bad and it was easily repaired with a shorter version of her current haircut. Not this time. This time she butchered it. Of course none of the kids called to say anything was wrong, but little did I know they sent text messages to the hubby warning him. He also didn't say anything. So the minute I got home the boys warned Jessica that I was there and she hid. She knew mommy was gonna be mad, and I was. When she finally showed herself, she could only say "Sorry mommy." So off to Supercuts to get it fixed, not that there was much left to work with. For a moment I contemplated shaving it all off, and doing the same to mine. Just for an excuse not to have to deal with it for awhile, but that moment passed quickly. Well here is the end result from our trip to Supercuts.

Needless to say the boys all call her a boy, and yes she looks like it. It is a good thing all her clothes are pink. I had to teach her to tell them I am not a boy, I'm a girl.
No one ever said what happened to the hair she cut off. I assumed the boys cleaned it all up and threw it away before I got home. Come to find out I found it in my bathroom behind Jessica's basket of shoes a couple of days later. Needless to say no more ponytails or hairbows for awhile. I guess it makes it easier for Daddy on Sunday, when he has to do her hair. Last week she came out of the bathroom with it call combed to the side, mommy had to quickly fix it.
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